Thursday, June 28, 2012

"What a strange illusion it is to assume that beauty is goodness."
--Leo Tolstoy

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Until I have the ability to write again, here's some candy to tide you over.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

“Let's face it, writing is hell.”
—William Styron

Friday, June 22, 2012

Zach Wahls Speaks About Family

Zach Wahls, a 19-year-old University of Iowa student spoke about the strength of his family during a public forum on House Joint Resolution 6 in the Iowa House of Representatives. Wahls has two mothers, and came to oppose House Joint Resolution 6 which would end civil unions in Iowa.

   I am a firm believer in Christianity and support gay rights. I wouldn't say that I know many who are christian that agree with me on this. It is also something I don't go out of my way to ask because, of it's such a tender topic. But, no one should be afraid of violence or murderous words because of who they are. Love is the most beautiful thing. Why should we deny anyone this gift?

I Am Not Ok With This

BREAKING: LGBT People Should Be Put to Death, Says Aussie Salvation Army Major

I don't know if this article is bias but, I have a problem when someone shuts their mind to the point of distruction. It honestly disturbs me.

   Explosive news out of Australia: in an interview with LGBT journalists Serena Ryan and Pete Dillon, a senior Salvation Army official said that non-celibate LGBT people should be put to death.
   The official, Major Andrew Craibe, is the Salvation Army’s Territorial Media Relations Director for the Southern Territory in Victoria. Australian pop star Darren Hayes, the openly gay former lead singer of Savage Garden, recently called for a boycott of the Salvation Army because of the church’s anti-gay beliefs (just as Bilerico founder Bil Browning did here in the States). Hayes’s comments caused quite the firestorm, so Major Craibe appeared on Ryan and Dillon’s podcast, Salt and Pepper, to discuss the Salvation Army’s official position on homosexuality and whether it’s evolved over time. ...

The interview is on the site as well. The title should be linked.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

“Writing is like getting married. One should never commit oneself until one is amazed at one's luck.”
—Iris Murdoch

Hunter Hayes

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Powerful Enough To Drug Myself

Please do not steal or copy my work.

In my hand,
The palm of my hand,
I hold the elements
That can make or


My life.
They decide whether
I will hold a needle
To my paper skin,

Or not.

Whether I smile
As I fall deep into
A blissful, drugged dream,

Or not.

Hands hold many things.
Power should not be one of them.


I admit, I'm not the biggest fan of lady gaga. Used to be till her music get connected to memories. Whether you love her or despise her, seriously, watch this. Really. It is Amazing. I absolutely adore this girl's work


   I started this because I wanted a place to anonymously share my poetry but,I find that I lack inspiration...its starting to get to me. I can't write or draw. Its like everything is unorganized and I must throw everything away, start fresh, if I want to salvage what creativity I have left.
   I also use this place to share what I get excited about. Why should I hoard something so breath-ta kingly astounding? I flip through to other blogs sometimes and a lot are about people's children or complaining. I know a lot of my work is on the depressing side but, I don't think this is the place to share things like that. Anyone is able to create a blog, post random things. Why not make it Mean something? Why not try and inspire? I do feel silly sometimes. No one comments (I guess I wouldn't either if I stumbled upon some site that doesn't seem to hold a specific patter or criteria) but, I will continue to share things, to myself if I must.

                                                                    ---Soap Box Out

Lora Zombie- Grundge Art

Love, Love, Love. Gallery


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Even If It Breaks Your Heart

Iips, Mouth, Tongue By Jean Toomer

whisper of yellow globes
gleaming on lamp-posts that sway
like bootleg licker drinkers in the fog

and let your breath be moist against me
like bright beads on yellow globes

telephone the power-house
that the main wires are insulate

(her words play softly up and down
dewy corridors of billboards)

then with your tongue remove the tape
and press your lips to mine
till they are incandescent.

“A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril”

I was looking for inspiration when designing a friend's tattoo and on a whim started looking up pictures of Indian Bridal Wear. I was completely floored by the beauty of their jewelry, dresses, intricate designs, everything.

"India is a land steeped in culture and traditions. It therefore comes as no surprise that marriages in India are marked by a lot of customs and traditions that are religiously followed to this day. The Wedding Traditions in India are an impressive manifestation of the rich cultural heritage of the country. Interestingly this country is known as much for its unity as for its diversity and this variety is implicit in the Wedding Traditions in India as well.

A series of rites and rituals are followed not only on the day of the wedding but also before and after. However these rites and rituals that are followed are not one and the same throughout the country. Different regions of India follow different customs and each of these customs hold a special meaning and significance. There are some though that are common and the underlying intention of all these customs is the well being of the couple, their happiness, harmony and prosperity."

Monday, June 18, 2012

Cannot Be Caged

To Hell But Never Back

Please do not steal or copy my work.

Going through various papers

My fingers brushed the envelopes

That held the roughly folded, simple letters you sent me

During the many times you were away.

I did not understand the full weight of those words

Until now.

Your diction was a child-like tone of enduring love.

A love that consumed you and made you miss me terribly

Through the long nights and blazing days.

I wish I could have held that kind of love.

I never did.

Not for you.

If I were able to take back all the things said,

And done

During those three years,

I would meticulously scavenge the tapes of our memories.

Hold each scene up to the light,

Squinting from my intense scrutiny, desperately searching

For the moment that it all broke down in hell.

Act One

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She watched as the car warped.
The soft sound of glass jingled
The warm ups on the piano.
Disaster was simply
Getting started.
She watched and chasséd
Over the delicate sculptures
Of twisted metal.
The fire caressed her thin ankles,
Adoring their fine structure,
Their attention to detail.
She pirouetted over the body.
Curiously, gingerly,
Admiring the petite figure
As it was engulfed by
Sightless, soundless, numb,
She held the life in her hands,
As if it was a child.
With a simple pasé
She exited-stage left.
The jingling stopped.
And the mess was cleaned up.

The Possibilities...

I Think this is just...beautiful. The skill and time that was put into this is beyond my comprehension.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Emeli Sande

You can ignore the video. Listen to the song. There are so many love songs about how someone can't live without or are addicted or love someone despite being cheated. Sometimes the "love" songs are just about the physical appearances and sex. I adore this song for being in many ways realistic. All we need is someone who will be there for us. Our rock when the floods come.

I Know I'm Not The Only One

I know I am not the only one who gets surges of guilt or longing for when you were unaware of all the things in the world. This is really short, simple, and like Poe's lost lover in the Raven I regret to hear that somethings can never be returned.
Please do not steal or copy my work.
I crave innocence.
I want to be in ecstasy when someone takes my hand,
When I’m given a smile from across a crowded room,
When he tells me I’m pretty with a blush upon his face.

There is fear riding in my chest
And he tells me that it will never be through clenched teeth-
Quotas the raven

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Not For Intellectual Purposes

I just spent the week with three pugs. They slept with me, woke me up at 5, barked at nothing, looked at me with those bulging eyes...they were cute the first day. Needless to say, I'm glad to be home.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Lame Reflections

Please do not steal or copy my work.

The moment I have been dreading is here. I never realized that it had been slinking closer.
It would be too late to hide or to deny my existence,
When, the thought of not being is more of a comfort than it should be.
The sands of time had been kind in prolonging this
And I will be forever grateful,
I suppose that one cannot disappear forever.

Carpe Diem feels like just another string of worlds
That were only created to coax you along like a child, giving false hope.
Maybe I am just bitter.
I see love and I proclaim it fake.
I see pain and I weep in sorrow.
I hear laughter and I presume it is towards cruelty.
Yes, I am nothing but bitter armor.
Maybe, the time that is upon me,
Despite my surprised outcry and juvenile resistance,
Will allow me to open my eyes and realize that
I am nothing more than one person.
One person who must stop living this way,
Grow up.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Don't live to work. Work to live.
   As Clique as it sounds-from a commercial no less- I feel like everyone is taking their stress and anger and sorrow to heart. Their letting it eat at there mind the more they think about it. They feel like they only have a short time to complete everything they want to accomplish, or if their friend is mad then they will never have anyone left to help them. Or if that on person you love doesn't love you back...this all kills you inside. But, we have a lifetime to pick ourselves up off the stakes in the ground. That's the real way to love. Work to be happy. Work to live.
I'm sure that the things I mentioned may not seem like a big deal, and in some ways they aren't. There is always someone worse off. What can you do? Live.


I published this one on Teen Ink. I doubt they will mind if I put it here- Its only on their website, anyways. It is my favorite poem. Its really personal for me and the feeling I get when I read it again and again always comes- A feeling of sober realization mixed with the want to still protect the person it is about. It will probably never go away. I hope it doesn't. That's what poetry is all about, having a feeling or dream and struggling to put it into words for the sake of your sanity.

Please do not steal or copy my work.


My darling.

I started my laundry.

Methodically pulling out items to add,

Until I came across something that smelt like you.

The glorious scent of cigarettes, and simple love.

I was afraid to add the item, to let the lingering,

Tantalizing essence of you be destroyed.

So very afraid.

I do not think you understand,

How your sleepy, dreamers eyes ensnare me,

Your self-conscious smile lets forth

The wells that harbor my adoration.

I feel like a broken Ferris wheel going up,

Into bliss, glimpsing hope,

And going down,

Realizing that the ride is over.

Do you remember when you slept on the floor?

I didn’t want to wake you and it was then

That I wanted to protect you.

It was then that I cracked.

Nothing that beautiful can last forever.

I knew that, and yet,

You were worth this feeling,

As I take in my new addiction of cigarette smoke.

Motion City Soundtrack

I cound play this song all day. Look up the lyrics if you have time. They're really well written.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fernanda Suarez - fdasuarez

I Love Love Love this artist's work. Especially their traditional style. Gallery

Lana Del Rey (All Day)

"Del Rey's husky narrative lingers like smoke clouds, leaving wafts of rhythmic phrasings delivered by and icy, heartbroken femme fatale."


I Have a Dream

Please do not steal or copy my work.

Infinite winters do not burn like fire. One falls quietly around me, scattering unique around for inspiration.
Heaven does not fall with it.
At least all the purities around are calming; soothing my aches, pains, and
Vacant  heart.
Enlist my thoughts in boot camp, I will,
And give them the
Determination to grow deeper. While my thoughts work, my dreams will watch silently and
Recharge. They will crave the beauty around us and will want to capture them by blindsiding them through this thick white forest which holds the universe on a ledge.  
Enticed, my dreams will become.
And this will all happen while I stay here, lying on this bitter cold, soft bed of snow.
Maybe, this dead wintery atmosphere is disheartening. But, did you know a Phoenix is born from ashes? Something dead that creates life. Imagine that.

For My Sester


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Captain American, Like a Boss

Aside from being an Amazing movie, It holds a message I wish was more prominent and reflected upon. I got it today when at Walmart with my dad. When we were walking to check out he said that he wanted my brothers to see it. I'm worried about most of the things they expose themselves to, being my younger brothers, and when I asked my dad why he thought that- Because of the special effects and violence- his reasoning was: Captain America stands for something greater. Of course, Batman does too, so does Spiderman and many others- But, the idea that he was chosen to become a "perfect human" was because, of his ability to stay grounded and selfless. He fought, risked his life for others and genuinely cared about the safety of everyone around him. The scene where he jumped to hide a grenade with his body proves that. I must admit though, when I first saw that I found it a little funny. Now I understand why. I cannot imagine anyone nowadays doing that. No Matter What. That is a disturbing fact.
                                                           --Soap Box Out

Click On It

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Academic Decathlon Speech

When I took the class I wanted to find a topic that was important. (Even though any lame topic would have gotten a low score instantly.) So, I went with what was deemed important by myself: Learning and knowledge.       Unfortunately....When I had to say it to the judges, I panicked and forgot most of it. Hopefully ,Some of you will read it and understand what it means to me, or won't like it. Either way, I would REALLY appreciate if you gave your honest opinion.

Please do not steal or copy my work.

                 I want multiple relationships, alcohol, adrenaline, drugs. I don’t want to feel so empty and alone inside of my limited mind. I need fulfillment and that rush that comes with discovery. I don’t necessarily want open heart surgery-….no…I know I feel.- I need to bash my skull with the sharp rocks of wit, so I can know that my mind is still turning and whirling- in the raw process of understanding. I am very certain that I am not the only one on this path of righteous destruction. I am not the only one in this vast world who needs something… which begs the question: why do we need anything? Why can’t we be happy with just ourselves- because we seek out gifts only the world can give, instead of knowledge that only a god-like mind can provide.

                It’s easier said than done to make yourself happy. You knit-pick all your flaws, highlight what you Need to change in neon colors and put pretty pink tabs there to remind yourself to fix them in the near future. You second guess what you say, what you think is right. But, the funny thing is, no one explicitly told you what to think. No one told you to hate yourself because you didn’t do this or that. Because you don’t believe in this religion or the one over there. Because you don’t like him or her. Everything we believe is practically assumed. We hear hints being dropped like lead pipes; we hear orders falling like rusty tanks on the sandpaper of good intentions. And in this horrid disorder we find that we are lost.

                There was a man who was skilled at untangling the lost souls. The thirty, lost, souls. His name was Socrates. On 399 BCE, in Athens he committed forced suicide. His life was taken because he was tainting the poor minds of the Athenian youth. He was telling them that they should think for themselves and not to place one’s precious thoughts carelessly. Thoughts are priceless. In a retold story by Eric Saperston, Socrates was asked by a young man how to gain the mastery of wisdom and insight. The sage took the intrigued youth to the beach. There he proceeded to drown the boy, almost taking his life. But at the last possible moment he let the young man up. After the young man caught his breath, Socrates proceeded to ask him: “Boy, when you were underneath the water, not sure if you would live to see another day, what did you want more than anything in the world?” The soft reply was “I just wanted to breathe.” This simple, honest, answer delighted Socrates. And he said “When you want wisdom and insight as badly as you wanted to breathe, it is then you shall have it.”

                 We can’t look at sources outside of ourselves to find answers. We can be given some good directions, but ultimately, it all comes down to how we view intelligence. If we don’t value knowledge that enlightens our drowning minds how can any of us be happy?

                One of the best directions you could ever follow would be the movie Dead Poets Society. In an all boys boarding school, a new teacher, language teacher, works on helping the boys find their voice, helps them unlock every aspect of their closed mind. All the boys were smart, but none of them truly thought for themselves. During one of his unique lessons, Mr. Keating boldly says: “Boys, you must strive to find your own voice, because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said ’most men lead lives of quiet desperation’, don’t be resigned to that. Break out.”

Guess Which Side is Real


While Filling Out Forms

Please do not steal or copy my work.

A total of my existence will always be The Patient.
I pick a doctor,
I fill out a lengthy form,
Which does not make any sense for someone with ADHD.

I fill out my short history
As a broken individual
Whose contribution to society is to supply pharmacies
With pink slips.

I am here to be the one who you see crying in her car
Hitting the steering wheel,
While still loving the person who sent her to that state.
A look of sheer devastation across her face.

I allow others to see me, and realize that they do not want this.
I tell them to smile, be brave.
I tell them to never give up and to never bring themselves down.
I tell them I am fine.

A total of my existence will be to sit in a chair,
Vulnerably opening my blackened mouth
To regurgitate the times I have wanted to die.
To whisper that I want to live without feeling crazy.

I will always be The Patient; a mere file in an overflowing drawer.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Taylor Mali Part Two

I wish I could meet him.

Taylor Mali

I know I am not the only one disgusted by how much the Education system has been cut. How dare the government take away from future. But I digress, as long as there are men and women like Taylor Mali there is still hope.