Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Allison Rogers- ElegantRage

I'm going to college for art/ art education and if her profile is correct, she is younger than I am I could only DREAM of the kind of talent that she has.....Gallery. It may seem like I'm spamming all of you but, in reality I'm saving you with these beautiful works!

Alex Clare

One of his songs, Too Close, was used on a commercial- if his name sounds farmiliar. That's how I found him, at least. Definitely worth looking up. (This video is amazing too).

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jaime Ibarra

THE most talented photographer. Ever. Gallery.

Playing God

I wish I knew who created these. I would sing their praises!


"Gertude Stein was an imaginative, influential writer in the 20th century and a patron of the arts. She collected post-Impressionist paintings, helping artists like Henri Mastisse and Pablo Picasso. She and her brother established a famous literary and artistic salon, hosting writers from around the world. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Stein is a book about the life of her companion."

    In 1905, Picsso asked her to sit for a portrait. In turn she did one of him as well, only his was a literary portrait called: "If I Told Him"

    I couldn' not write one. Or two.

Please do not steal or copy my work.

Pill pop popping popped through to the mouth from the palm of my hand from the hands that were handed out from the doctors to the patients that sit sitting in file cabinets like suicidal birds who could not fly flying flew to the ground when diving and dove like a dove for the pills that will make them better, or so the doctors say said from their mouths that mouthed the words that held not truth that was black like the hole that harbored every pill that will be held in my hand.

Books are trees trees tree of books made of paper.
Water making love to the tree with leaves of tea that is drunk drunker drunken causing drunkenness.
Pages turn the wheels that wheel time on over said seas see the blinding fortunes of gods that were made by God is godly with championing power with power.
Drunk with knowledge that brings brang brung knowledge of wisdom of passion for books that are made of trees trees tree of books made of paper with pages brought by a page whose page in this books chronicle encircles infinite in infinite are infinite.

Monday, May 28, 2012



I don't even know...he is amazing. Honestly, how many artists have his kind of passion when creating their pieces? The first time you listen to him you might be a bit surprised by his motions and flux of tone. So worth listening to, though.

Cannot Hide From You

Please do not steal or copy my work.

The grass was wet.

The street lamps’ shine was eerie.

I could hardly see your angular features
As we lay where we shouldn’t have been.
Our voices were snatched by the jealous breeze
As we talked in a hush of nothing and everything-
Our words held hidden inscriptions for the other to decipher.
 Your arm supported my head gently while you molded your body
Into a fortress of protection around me.
I had never felt so relaxed, calm,
In such a vulnerable state.
What I could see of you were your eyes.
They looked like glass compared to the lake behind
And if they were glass, they would have been fabricated
By the elusive sands of truth with a dash of charm and a hint of lost innocence.
I cannot image what your heart must look like if your eyes hold such things.

Love is love

Please, Please, Please watch.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Medicine by Daughter

Beyond Beautiful...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

She Loves Me Not

Please do not steal or copy my work.
You were the woman, who called my name,

Sweetly running your hands down my spine

Which sent shock that shocked my over shocked heart

To work again;

To pump love and excitement and actual feeling.

Until you removed your hand

And stepped back with a smirk.

This told me just how you felt.

How you only pulled my spin out with a simple sharp rip.

You used it like a puppeteer and sent me spinning

Down the hole as black as a depressed prostitute’s mind

When dealing with meth and coke that didn’t hold a candle to the longing

For the man with two sweet darlings and security tucked under his arm


I might have well been like all your other whores,

And I had nothing special to hold your ADD attention:

No words I could say or way to twist my inflexible body

Or look in my eye that flickered.

Apparently I was only dullness.

I was too serious and my laughter never reached your blocked ears

That must have gotten clocked out years ago.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Seduce Your Muse

One of the most intelligent and wonderful persons showed this to my class two or so years ago. MyAp Language teacher, she is the reason I want to write so badly. I really, really hope you love this video as much as I do.

In justice I stand

Please do not steal or copy my work.

I have always wanted to fix

Someone, anyone.

Until I met you and I realized

That I would never be able to repair

What you hide behind your empty shield

Of wasted words and past encounters.

I adore what I am able to see in you.

A man with a heart that bleeds justice

And a deep sorrow that binds

My throat to silence-

My desire to speak, to ask

What brought about that look

You harbor in your intense gaze.

I dream in black and white

But I think in grey.

And my mind is telling me that I must let go

Of my need to save you.

I don’t want to.

I want to fight for you.

But, for you, I will stand here,

Smiling like I know nothing of


Always Difficult to Begin

             I plan to write an original poem a day. I love to write and have been saving random poems on Microsoft Word for the longest time, until I saw a friend’s blog and decided that maybe I should try something new. I would also love to share things- other poems, maybe art, maybe music-. There is nothing greater than sharing beauty when the world can be so cynical.

            To those who stumble upon my little experiment: I implore you to leave your honest opinion of my work. I respect all view points and will greatly appreciate that you respect me as well with constructive criticism.

 (Here goes nothing...)
